We all have things that we struggle with and we always will that is part of what makes us who we are. Maybe its not smart to lay out ones personal life on the net for everyone to read but maybe it will help me in some way and help one of you reading this as well.
I struggle with homosexuality. Before I was saved I thought it was just who I was, perfectly normal and ok. However once I was saved all that changed. I had heard that it was not right for one to live their life this way many of times, but nobody every just showed me the scripture and really took the time to explain it to me. Until I met my friend Dan at work, unlike most people his first words were not your going to hell.
With God I am making my way through all of this. Reading the bible you will find that God is there for us at all times He never leaves our side. It gets hard sometimes and I really dont know what to do or where to turn and that is when I find myself going in the wrong direction. I should have turned to God and asked Him what to do instead of relying on myself and my own understadings.
In Leviticus God puts homosexuality in the same place with beastyialy (sp?). Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Leviticus 18:23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. The world says that is ok to be homosexual but if thats true than why would God put them in same place with beastyalitly. The world does not say thats ok and if they are grouped together than why would one but not the other? Leviticus 18:29 For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from amoung their people. Now this does not say you will go to hell for it but it does explain that it is wrong and that homosexuals will be seperated from their people.
God does not warn us agianst sins because he is narrow minded or intolerant it is because He loves us and knows and whats what is best for us. He will forgive us for this sin just like He forgives us for any other sin when we confess and turn away from our sins. 1 John 1:8-9 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
I hope that this post does not hurt anyone or insult anyone but helps them the way that I hope it helps me as well. It is a hard thing to turn away from because its a hole lifestyle not just one little thing we need to work on. The bible teaches that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. So no matter how hard it is we can rely on Him and give Him our problems for Him to carry on His shoulders. I wont say that life gets easier after your saved because it doesn't in some ways it may be harder, but we are made stronger and better people because of that. Remember God loves us no matter what our sin is and He is here for us waiting on us to ask Him for help. There is a gosple song called When God Ran, I like it reminds you that God comes running when we ask and need Him, He will never leave us nor forsake us. When your fighting your battles and you look around and God is farther away than you thought or than you like remember its not Him that put that distance there it was you but when your ready God will open His arms and let you back it and wipe away all your tears! What amazing love that is!
With all that said do I hate homosexuals NO not all! Will I turn my back on them NO not at all. I don't believe that would be very Christian at all. We are called to love one another and help one another not turn on one for his or her choices in life. I am not any better than any one person nor do I claim to be.
God Bless
Stained Glass Yarn
8 months ago
Way to go bub! I'm proud of you, it takes courage to stand up for whats right! The world may not like you for that, but Jesus said in the Bible that the world hated Him, and if we strive to be like Him, the world will hate us as well! You've got a special calling in life, let your light shine! Way to be a witness!
ReplyDeleteI know you are having a hard time Dustin - I wish only the best for you!! In time you will work it all out.
ReplyDeleteLove you, Dustin.