I mentioned before in a post that I was looking for a new church because of personal things going on in my life right now. I was attending a church close to home and the preacher and his wife are friends of the family however I do not feel led to be there at that church. I believe God will show or tell me where He wants me to attend and this one just is not it I don't believe. So tonight I went to another church close to the house. I am a Baptist and there are several Baptist churches around close but not every Baptist church is equal. I am very strict in the things I believe and find that a lot of churches are not as strict in some of these things. I truly believe that the King James Bible is the only Bible that should be used by the English speaking countries. Satan will take any step he can to send one of us in the wrong direction, and I believe he has even attacked our Bible making many corrupt versions of it. Here is a link about how to find a counterfeit Bible, here is another link for a comparison chart that shows 300 verses that have been changed in the 7 most popular versions of the Bible.
I also believe that Christians should listen to gospel music and not contemporary. Here is a link to a Q&A about Christian Rock, here is another. I believe that Rock music has a lot of satanist influence and is not something a Christian should be listening to, here is yet another link about that. The reason I am making so many links on the post and not explaining everything is I am not very good with my words at times and do not what you to get confused and I want to show you some proof of what I believe and why.
Once a person is saved all things should become new. That means everything not just the things we want to change. Sometimes the things we should do are not always the easiest things to do. Remember what Jesus went through to save us all. How easy could that have been and how much worse was that to go through than the things we struggle with today. From the things I have read in the Bible and some things I have talked about with a very good friend of mine it is obvious that hanging on a cross is a slow and painful death. Huge nails through your hands and one through both feet. To breath you would have to push yourself up on the nail going through your feet causing yourself even more pain. So you hang there until your so exhausted and in so much pain you no longer have the strength to pick yourself up to take a breath. Now imagine before you even have to go through that your beaten with whips and things that tear your flesh from your body. So bad that your own mother can not recognize you. Then you go through the pain of being nailed to a cross with all your weight being on 3 nails, one in each hand and one through your feet. All this Jesus done for each and everyone one of us! This is the reason I find it so important to get it right and stick with it. After all He has been through to save my soul I owe Him so much more that!
I have found there is a lot out there, both good and bad so you have to be careful where you find your info at on the net since any crazy person can put anything they wan on the net these days. Some of my favorite site are AV1611.org , and Jesus-is-savior.com I am sure there are many more good sites out there that would be very useful tools for a Christian but these are the 2 I use the most and have found to be truthful.
So for some of the above reasons I still have not found a new church. Just thought I would share my search with all of you and let you know why. When I find the church I feel God is pulling me into I will let all of you know and tell you about it. God Bless all of you and I pray you all have found Salvation with Jesus Christ. Feel free to email me with any questions or comments about any of my posts or if you just want to share your thoughts.
Stained Glass Yarn
8 months ago
Bear in mind, Dustin, that "contemporary" is a relative term. At one time or another, all of our "traditional" hymns were "contemporary".
ReplyDeleteI read The "Bible Guidelines..." page, and found not one concrete example of Scripture forbidding the use of "contemporary" music as a tool to reach out to people, to celebrate the Lord, or to reinforce beliefs.
I believe the critic(s) who wrote that page allowed their own personal bias against contemporary music to influence their interpretation of Scripture. Sure, there are artists like Amy Grant in whom I am very disappointed, although I still find her earlier work inspiring and uplifting. But the author(s) unfairly lump all contemporary artists together, which is unfortunate. He also judges them by some of their fans' responses, which is also unfortunate. Consider that the Bible itself has been used as a tool by some to justify atrocities like genocide.
I'm not trying to discourage you from following your beliefs or speaking from your heart. I also agree that not all "Christian" artists seem to truly be Christian. I'm only suggesting that you consider this Scripture when judging what is worth listening to:
22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
In other words, if the song inspires such fruits in you, then it is worth listening to.