Last Friday while I was out at the Greencastle Fiber Event Martha had her set of twins a Ram and a Ewe lamb. I posted pics on facebook last weekned so its about time I posted theme her for all my faithful blog followers.
Proud mother Martha with ewe lamb in the middle and ram lamb leading the way. My goats Mona and Billy are in the back ground.
At first they both looked black but now the ewe lamb is looking more brown so maybe she will be moorit like her mom. The ewe is named Victory and ram Truth. As you can see Victory is about half the size of Truth which had us worried at first but she is doing great is active and eats like a little pig.
Here is my llama Gama getting his Good Friday breakfast. I pray all of you remember what the meaning of this weekend is. Without Easter Sunday we would be still separated from God and making sacrifices like in the Old Testament. I think we loose sight from time to time what He really did for us and what He really went through. I took a class in Church that taught what Christ went through so we could get a free ticket to Heaven. It's is amazing to know we have Savior that loves us that much even after what happened to him. Can you imagine being beat with a scourge (a whip with pieces of glass, porcelain, and bone made into the end to tear and rip the skin and flesh away), mocked, spit on, had His beard pulled out, and yet after all this hung on a cross to the point of death, but the glorious part is death only lasted 3 days and He arose again to defeat death and satan. All this so you and we can find rest and eternal peace. What a beautiful Savior we serve thank You Jesus for all the blessing in our lives! God Bless Dustin
Stained Glass Yarn
8 months ago
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