Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Easter bunny and Easter eggs

Have you ever wondered where the bunny and egg came from at Easter? Here is a link to help explain it You can research it farther if you like. I personally am not found of the Easter bunny or the Easter egg after reading some of the things that I have. You might also look up info on God Bless hope you have enjoyed your Easter Sunday!


  1. Other sources say the source of the name 'Easter,' is Ishtar - the babylonian fertility goddess. Some Messianic Jews (Jews who believe Yeshua - Jesus - is the Messiah), believe the egg on the seder plate at Passover comes from the time of the babylonian captivity and SHOULD NOT be there!

    Green grass, eggs (ovum) and bunnies, are all fertility symbols and rites, and if Christians were sensitive to avoiding things of 'other gods' might feel convicted to stay away from.

    Personally, I never refer to it as Easter, because of all the pagan connotations, but I definitely celebrate RESSURECTION Day!!

  2. I to celebrate Ressurection Day. No eggs or basket here. Only bunnies we have are Angora Easter Bunnies. And believe you me....they are not always that fertile!!!!
